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All Encompassing

At ACAE we focus on the big picture. We want to help and guide you through your journey to a happy, healthy life. We have a diverse and highly trained staff with specialties in employment services, addiction and domestic violence counseling as well as after treatment programs like sober coaching and re-entry guidance. We want to see you be successful in your goals.


We have partnered with the Not for Profit HOPE re-entry services to help individuals with troubled backgrounds to set goals, achieve them and become more confident and comfortable in today’s world. We offer classes and programs to prepare you for a sober and fulfilling future. 




What services we can offer

ACAE offers services designed to help individuals prepare for, get and keep a job. The services individuals receive are based on the individuals needs and unique circumstances and may include one or more of the following:


Counseling and guidance

Counseling and guidance is provided through a one-on-one relationship between individuals and a Vocational Professional. Individuals V.P. helps individuals review assessment information, process, helps individuals make good decisions and supports the individuals progress throughout the process. If individuals receive public benefits, such as SSI or SSDI, individuals Counselor will explain how working will impact individuals benefits or individuals may be referred to a Benefit Planner for a more comprehensive consultation through DVR or Social Security.


Assessment services

Assessment services identify individual strengths, capabilities, work skills, and interests. Different types of assessments are available to get valuable information about individuals and the types of jobs that reflect individual strengths and interests.


Independent living services

Independent living services help individuals learn how to manage disability, chemical dependency, etc. issues that get in the way of work. Independent living services may include:

  • Skills to live independently, such as following a schedule, managing a daily routine, and time management

  • Money management skills

  • Learning how to get around in the community using public transportation

Training/Placement Services

Training to help individuals learn work skills and gain the qualifications needed to enter a job in individuals chosen field. Assistance completing applications, developing a resume, and practicing interview skills

  • Conducting a job search and placement

  • Weekly or bi-weekly Job Club classes that would review employment and retention skills

  • One on One coaching  with employer and individuals to mastering the specific skills of the individuals job

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4101 South M St.,

Tacoma, Washington 98418

(253) 777-1434.  

©2014- Adonai Counseling & Employment

"God will not permit any troubles to come upon us, unless He has a specific plan

by which great blessing can come out of the difficulty."

~Peter Marshall

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